Friday, May 11, 2012

A Quick Update

As quickly as I can, while I have internet albeit a slow connection, I want to provide an update as of today, Saturday.  I am settled in and making my own way now.  My guests went to Florence yesterday.  We drove to Lucca, spent a few hours walking around and touring the beautiful garden inside the city walls, then I took them to the train station and away they went.  I came straight home, did a load of wash (the washer holds a maximum of three towels), hung it to dry, then promptly fell asleep for an hour.  It was a lovely nap.

I am loving the absolute quiet of this village.  There is nothing to to here.  There are lots of opportunities for strolling around, which the locals appear to take full advantage of, since I see the same people walking each day.  It is so sweet to see the elderly couples walking, very slowly and cautiously together each day.  Many of the women appear to walk to the market daily as well.  It is a quaint place, steeped in enturies old history.  When I am able to get to a higher speed internet connection I will post pictures of the festival.

Today I am going to drive to a fairly large town called Fornaci di Barga in search of a thrift store or reasonable priced store for a couple things I want for the house.  We'll see how it goes.  I also hope to find a wifi place to upload some pictures.

After that I will finally unpack my art supplies and get busy!.  There are magnificent vistas out every window, and the village center sits high and proud right outside my balcony window.  Can't wait to relax with a sketch pad.  More later, but for now, thanks for stopping by.....

1 comment:

  1. getting warm here, 92 today and Shasta lake is full, over 900 fires in California so far this year [3X the norm] it has all the making for a very long and dry summer, hope yours is swell.

